If you are interested in joining one of our weekly leagues please reach out to the league contact listed below or for any additional questions email us at LakeCoraGC@gmail.com and we would be glad to help!
MONDAY Leagues
9:00 AM Senior Men’s League
- Meeting: Monday April 24th @ 9:00 am.
- Will plan to play a warmup round after the meeting
- Start Date: Monday May 1st @ 9:00 am.
- League Contact: Matt Smith – lakecoragc@gmail.com
4:30 PM Men’s League
- Meeting: Monday April 17th @ 5:00 pm.
- Will begin first round after the meeting.
- Start Date: Monday April 24th @ 4:30 pm.
- League Contact: Matt Smith – lakecoragc@gmail.com
9:30 AM Ladies League
- Meeting: Tuesday April 25th @ 9:00am
- Will plan to play a warm up round after the meeting
- Start Date: TBD
- League Contact: Sue Conklin – sueconk@gmail.com
4:45 PM Men’s League
- Meeting: Tuesday April 18th @ 4:30 pm.
- Will plan to play a warm up round after the meeting
- Start Date: Tuesday April 25th @ 4:30 pm
- League Contact: Gerry Martin – 269-674-3337
5:00 PM Hackers League
- Meeting: Wednesday April 19th @ 5:00 pm.
- Will plan to play a warmup round after the meeting
- Start Date: Wednesday April 26th @ 5:00 pm.
- League Contact: Bill Gendron – (269) 998-3397
5:00 PM Beers & Balls League (FULL – Waitlist)
- Meeting: Wednesday April 19th @ 5:00 pm.
- Will begin first round following the meeting.
- Start Date: Wednesday April 26th @ 5:00 pm.
- League Contact: Jim Sanborn – (269) 674-8691
5:00 PM Men’s Rose League (FULL-Waitlist)
- Meeting: Thursday March 30th @ 5:00 pm.
- Will plan to start league after the meeting
- Start Date: Thursday April 13th @ 5:30 pm.
- League Contact: Rick Athey – 269-720-9676
5:30 PM Men’s Thursday Show League (FULL-Waitlist)
- Meeting: Thursday April 13th @ 5:30 pm.
- Will plan to play a warmup round after the meeting
- Start Date: Thursday April 20th @ 5:30 pm.
- League Contact: Matt Smith – lakecoragc@gmail.com
FRIDAY Leagues
5:00 PM Mixed Couples League
- Meeting & Start Date: TBD